What we do
We Refresh, Repair and Rebuild unwanted bikes, making them "fit to ride"
Every bike that is sold by the Recycle Bike Hub is serviced / signed off by a qualified bike mechanic, giving the next owner the confidence to buy the recycled bike.
In partnership with our chosen charity - Naomi House & Jacksplace - we sell the bikes with all of the money raised helping this local charity make a big difference.
Clean, Lubricate and Adjust.
Sometimes a bike just needs a little REFRESH to get it back on the road with a new cyclist
Tyres, Wheels, Brakes, Gears, Cables, Lubricate and a Good Clean
A previously well used bike will need a proper service & REPAIR, before it is ready for the next lucky cyclist
The Bike Mechanics will see you now!
If we receive a valuable bike that needs a lot of attention to bring it back to its glory days - it could get a full REBUILD.
(But only if the benefit is greater than the cost)
If we can't repair a bike, we will break it down, salvage the good parts for future use, and then recycle as much of the waste as possible.
Ideally we will be lucky & only have good bikes donated.
If you do have a metal object that once resembled a bike - please dispose of it in the proper manner.
Fund Raising
We are a team of volunteers and our objective is to make as much impact as possible.
The only cost we need to cover is the price of the spare parts to complete the Refresh, Repair or Rebuild.
More Bikes = More Funds = Bigger Impact
We measure three things:
Bikes: Number recycled.
Money: Raised for charity
Carbon: Footprint saved
Our reward:
Smiles: Everyone loves a smile!